The Beatles: Sir Ringo Starr, 83, releases new music video alongside latest EP

The Beatles drummer Sir Ringo Starr has released a new music video of a song from his latest EP, Crooked Boy.

By George Simpson, Senior Film and Arts Reporter

He may be pushing 84, but drummer Sir shows no sign of slowing down.

The music legend, , has released his fourth consecutive EP Crooked Boy this month featuring the tracks February Sky, Adeline, Gonna Need Someone and the title song.

Written and produced by Linda Perry for Ringo, the former Beatle added vocals and plays the drums on the record.

And now he’s put out new music video Gonna Need Someone featuring archive footage of him in his youth.

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Ringo said: “Linda made me a great EP – she produced it in her studio and then sent me the tracks and I added the drumming and my vocals.

“February Sky is great - very moody - but since Linda wrote these specifically for me - it of course has to have a positive peace & love element.”

Gonna Need Someone and the three other brand-new tracks on Ringo’s new Crooked Boy EP are available to stream and download now and arrive on CD and vinyl on May 31st, 2024.

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